Goblin-Defense is a (very) in process tower-defense game where you fight off hordes of heroes who are trying to steal their  our gold! The feature that will set this apart from other games in the genre is you command up to 4 points worth of goblins! Very cool.

I'd love to get feedback-- good or bad! I'll update the ITCH.io project as I go along and add features and tweak things. I'd love to have you all join in on the development of the game and watch it grow into something really unique and fun!

Development log


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Hi there Dev, not sure if this is intended to show proof of concept, or if this is meant to be the game, but placing towers do not affect the amount of gold and no gold is earned when killing the mobs? I think this can be a great game when all the mechanics have been implemented.

Maybe I should put that in the title-- but yeah it's a proof of concept! It's just so people can start playing around with some of the main features and I can start getting feedback. Thank you!